Thursday, September 30, 2010




 Before enjoying our yummy apple crisp, Mrs. Spolter shared the story of The Little Red House (A copy of this story will be in your child's folder on Friday.)
Be sure to ask your child how and where the little boy in the story found the "little red house". 
Did you know that if you cut an apple in half horizontally, there is a star inside?

Monday, September 27, 2010



Today we read the story, "Tikki Tikki Tembo". There are 3 T's in the title of this book. Be sure to ask your child about this story!


Last Friday during EDP, we did a melting experiment using various types of food and the hot weather outside! See the before-and-after photos below. Be sure to ask your child which foods melted and which foods did not melt!



~Vegetables and Crackers~


Sabrina, Genevieve, and Evan checking out the melting chocolate chips!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Today's cooking activity was making matzoh ball soup.

First, the children helped to make the matzoh.

Next, the children enjoyed rolling the matzoh into matzoh balls for the soup.

We added the matzoh balls to the boiling broth on the stove.The photo below shows what the matzoh balls looked like after simmering on the stove for 20 minutes.
Before eating the soup, we compared what the matzoh balls looked like before and after they were cooked. We talked about how they grew or expanded.

And, on to the best part of cooking.....eating the finished product!

In the photo below, the children raising their hands are the ones who loved the matzoh ball soup. Many children asked if they could have the recipe to take home!